- The skin of poison dart frogs contains a dangerous toxin.
- Electric Eels are capable of emitting a discharge of 600 volts.
- The bark of the Willow tree was the original source for making aspirin.
- Man is the only animal that sleeps on its back.
- Cows don't have upper front teeth.
- A lobster's blood is colour less but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue.
- Beetles tastes like an apple, Wasps tastes like a pine nut and worms tastes like a fried bacon.
- Flamingos can eat with their heads upside down.
- The longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds
- Right handed people live, on average of nine years longer than the left handed.
- Babies have 300 bones but during the adult stage, we have only 206 bones.
- Gold fish can see both infrared and ultraviolet rays.
- All insects have six legs.
- Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue.
- Strawberry is the only fruit which seeds grow on outside.
- Carrots contain 0% fat.
- Rain contains vitamin B12.
- Kiwi birds are blind.