The things we use daily are seen as use and throw to our eyes. But we don't really know the real value of it. 'Old is Gold' is a well known saying such golden things would be invaluable to us, but those are valuable things to those who are not able to buy a single piece of bread for their hunger. This could be felt only on seeing the people of Somalia and their pathetic conditions.
A refugee camp is set up in a foreign country and the people were kept as slaves in that camp for doing certain illegal works and to import to other foreign countries. The slaves were brought from other states where they had worked in an estate for their earnings.
The owner of the estate was a kind- hearted person and he had treated all his employees well, but time is the best medicine and it taught the slave many un learnt lessons. The owner of the camp was a rich-wealthy man; he had seized the properties of the estate owner and had taken the workers as slaves to his camp. The owner did not know the value of his workers and he had accepted to sell the workers to the camp's owner.
The slaves were ill-treated by the leader or owner of the camp to do their work properly. But the kind workers couldn't withstand his cruelty and some had committed suicide in the camp itself. The leader of the camp when he saw the death of the children due to his cruelty had realized his blunder and he had confessed and changed his mind to treat the slaves properly. The workers had understood the good heart of the leader and they forgave him and had worked sincerely for him.
The estate owner who had sold his old workers had not known the value of his workers. After the improvement of his business, he had bought new workers for his estate. The new workers were lazy people and they often gossiped and spend their time in smoking and sleeping. The estate owner had slowly remembered his old times like playing with his workers, eating food, spending time in an entertaining way. He then only in his loneliness had realized the mistake he had done by selling his workers who were his friends. The camp became a peaceful place for them.
He had gathered all the money he had and went to buy his own workers again. When he had reached that place, he found his workers doing their work in a peaceful manner and he had his conversation with the refugee camp leader. He had requested him to return his workers back to him as he couldn't live without his workers. But on hearing the news, the workers had decided not to leave their good- hearted master who had treated them like his family and had shared their pains in their hard situations.
The reply given to him had shaken him once for all and he had returned to his place without uttering a word. He then only understood the value of his workers and their emotions through his experience.
Thus old ones are the valuable ones even if new things are brought once again in one's life. The old things have their own value than the new things or persons as it is emotionally connected with the animate things in life.