Once upon a time a girl lived in a small village. Her family was very poor. They didn't have enough money to satisfy their needs. The members of her family were father, mother and one younger brother. The name of the girl was Priya. Her father was a cook. Her mother was a housewife. Her brother was studying 1st standard in a government school. Priya's family couldn't satisfy their needs. The whole family had to strive hard to accomplish their needs.

     Priya's house was very small. The four members cannot live freely in their house. The house had only one light. She studied in a government school up to X Std. After completing X Std, her parents changed her to an English medium school. The school had hard and fast rules.

      She scored 492 out of 500 in X standard. So, her parents decided to take admission in Matric School. Her mark was a plus point to get admission in that matric school. Fee concession was given to Priya based on her marks. Her parents strived hard to pay the admission fees because they wanted her daughter to study in a better school. Her parents supported her very much.

      Priya was black in colour. She didn't have good clothes to wear. She didn't look decent enough to study in an English medium school. She was afraid of going to school on the first day.

      The school reopened after one month vacation. Priya got ready to go to the new school. But she was too hesitated to go to new school. She entered the school campus. All the students in the school were very fair. They were looking beautiful. Priya was feeling guilty of her colour because she was black. As she entered the class room, all the students laughed at her. They called her blacky because of her colour. They made fun of her. Priya didn't want to stay in that class. She started crying. She was alone every time and she had no friends there. The teachers came to the class who also treated her very badly. She didn't know how to read and talk in English. She spelt all the words incorrectly also did many mistakes in her English writing.

      Priya told her parents that she didn't want to go to that school. But her parents told her, "You do your work properly. Don't think about others". After Six months there were no changes in the minds of her classmates and teachers. Exams were approaching. All the students wrote exams. Priya too wrote all the exams. She had tension when she wrote the exam. She didn't have confidence at all.

       Priya was not happy in that school. The result for the exams was published. But the result was shocking. Priya failed in all the subjects. The teachers in the school demoted her. They told that, "You were not capable of studying in English medium school. You must study only in government school". She was very stressed by these words. She scored 492 in X Std but now she failed in all subjects in XI Std. The reason was she didn't know English and demoted by her teachers and students. She lost her interest to go to school and study there. She decided to discontinue. After some days there was a change in her school. Her English teacher resigned her job due to some reasons and new teacher was appointed. The new teacher came to class on first day. She noted all the students. All students were very happy. But Priya was not happy.

     Next day the English teacher called Priya and asked about her problem. Then she told her history. The teacher advised her to be confident and happy. She advised her not to bother about others. The teacher advised her that, English is just a language. It's not a life. Priya was inspired by teacher's words.

       From the next day, the teacher gave special coaching to Priya after class hours. Priya was also interested in learning English. The teacher motivated Priya to take part in all competitions. After the advice of the teacher, Priya took part in all competitions such as elocution, English essay writing etc. She received prize in all the competitions.

       Priya started to talk in English very fluently. She scored good marks in the next exam. The students, who avoided her now became her friends. She was now interested to go to school and she completed XI Std successfully.

       Priya then came to XII Std. There were a lot of changes in her due to teacher's advice. She now forgot about her appearance and was very confident enough to compete with others.

        Priya was now transformed into a new girl. She became very bold and brilliant. The English teacher was so happy to see her like this. All other teachers also treated her very well. She was the representative of the class. She turned to be an active student. She participated in all the competitions actively and secured first prize.

       She came first in all the exams. Public exams approached. Priya wrote all the exams very nicely. She studied very hard for all the exams. Priya got state level first mark in the public exam. She was interviewed by many channels and became the news in newspaper.

       Priya's parents feel very proud and very happy for her. In the interview, she thanked her English teacher for her advice and inspiring words. The teacher was very happy. She told that she received state first because of her teacher. Priya was successful today because of her self-confidence.

                  "Self-confidence is very important to achieve success in life".

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